We all know that we change as we get older and this is something which is not only inevitable but desirable also. If we do not change we cannot develop either mentally, emotionally or physically. With age comes wisdom and we all need to face the fact that everything which is born will eventually die, some things will wither before they die and some things will be cut down at their peak. None of us know when we are going to die and this is also a good thing since when faced with our own mortality, many people panic and try to escape the inevitable.

The thing that is important is how we live our life and how we are remembered by the ones whose lives we have touched. My parents have always told us that we need to make the most of what we have, when we have it since we never know how long we will have it for. These sentiments hold true for lots of things from money, health, fame and beauty too. We need to live for the moment but keep in mind that it will pass and that we need to invest in the future too. Once again this holds true for everything, since an investment made when young will bear fruit when you are older. I am not going to discuss financial investments here but the investments you need to start in the area of health and beauty.

When we are young we think that we are invincible but you need t keep in mind that our bodies are made to deteriorate and all we can do is try to slow down the process which will eventually see us losing our skills and abilities. When it comes to health you need to ensure that you look after your body with the correct dietary requirements and exercise regime. As for the beauty aspect of your life you need to remember that even the most beautiful people in the world will lose their looks but it is how the process affects you that are important.

Aging gracefully does not mean that we do not need to do anything and just accept the fact that we need a more and more effective Anti Ageing Treatment cream but to do all we can to look good. For some people this means the use of Aesthetic Medicine such as Botox and fillers whereas some people decide that just dyeing their hair is enough.

As long as you do what you feel comfortable with and do not bow to pressure from other people about what you should have done. If you want to have a Facelift then that is your choice but please remember that you need to be confident in that it will suit you and only use reputable and recommended practitioners. One of the worst sayings to my thinking is “mutton dressed as lamb” so do not let this apply to you and your lifestyle.

When my first child was a toddler, I remember a comment made by sister to the effect that she wished she had skin like my daughter as it was so clear, glowing and firm. To this day, when my toddler is now in high school, I can still remember touching her skin at that moment and the way it looked and felt. It was smooth and silky and she is lucky that she has managed to retain this lovely skin so far, although with the teenage problems about to raise their ugly head, I pray that she doesn’t have to suffer the agony of having acne.

When we were at school, my best friend had what was termed as a volcanic complexion and all through our school and college years she was in a lot of pain, both physical and mental. The physical pain was due to the spots causing redness, dryness and itchiness as well as discomfort when they erupted. The mental anguish she went through was almost worse because there was no cream or medication that could stop the teasing and the embarrassment that she underwent.

We have all heard how children can be cruel and this was proven to my friend although I must say she did not let it make her shy and retiring as is often the case with children who are teased about their looks. Anyway, we lost touch during our early twenties but then last year I bumped into her and could not believe how great her skin looked.

She told me that she had underdone a course of Microdermabrasion which was a great procedure for acne scar treatment and was quite a popular thing in the world of aesthetic medicine.This is a non- invasive procedure in which tiny crystals are used to remove the top layer of skin, taking away the imperfections of the skin and leaving behind another layer of fresh skin which is smooth and blemish free. There is no pain involved at all and the results are dramatic enough that you can see a difference after just one treatment. It is recommended that you have a course of treatments at regular intervals with a about three weeks between treatments, although this varies from person to person.

With Microdermabrasion, you will find that people will notice the change in your skin tone and comment on the evenness of your skin even after just one session at the lowest level. There are three levels at which the machine can be set and the level is set according to what the medical aesthetician thinks is the necessary one for your skin. You will need to stay out of the sun for a day or so to avoid redness due to sensitivity, and make sure that you use a good moisturiser with sunblock. My friend was very happy with the results and told me about how much more self –confidence she now had after regaining a clear complexion.